Lifeline Dialysis
Providing high quality dialysis services
Lifeline is there for you when out patient clinic says No!!!
Lifeline Home Dialysis is your choice for quality staff-assisted hemodialysis treatments at home or skilled nursing home.
Our licensed and trained Dialysis Nurses who meet State guidelines for delivering treatments in the home, Skilled Nursing facilities and Assisted living facilities are there for you to help build your quality of life in dialysis.

No patient left behind: If you do not qualify and/or have difficulty going to a dialysis facility for treatment, Lifeline will take care of your needs. Our program is designed to be transitional in nature, allowing recovery until stable and qualified to return to outpatient clinic.
Common conditions that is covered for Staff-Assisted Home Hemodialysis include the following:
Tracheostomy or on ventilator
Chemotherapy treatments
Wound Care preventing sitting up in a chair
Bedbound patients
Recent general or orthopedic surgery
Recent cardiac surgery or on LVAD
Behavioral issues
New to Dialysis (acute)
If you are NOT accepted at the dialysis clinic for treatment
Home hemodialysis with professional staff assistance is medically necessary as an alternative to facility-based hemodialysis for treating patients with end-stage renal disease who meet ALL of the following criteria:
Patient is stable on dialysis and not at increased risk as a result of having the procedure performed outside a dialysis center venue; and
Patient has well-functioning vascular access; and
Patient has medical contraindications to leaving home for hemodialysis; and
Patient or non-professional caregiver is not capable of performing home hemodialysis.
Our policies and protocols are drafted according to state regulations to provide you the excellent care at home hemodialysis with majority matches with the hemodialysis center. Your therapy is determined by the attending nephrologists and you will be seen or contact you over the phone by a Master Social Worker and a Renal Dietician on a regular basis.